Why Favor?

Supplements can be... overwhelming.

Donโ€™t worry, let's simplify this together.

Not All Colostrums Are Equal

Letโ€™s see how Favor stacks up against the other Colostrum Brands.


You Can See

1st Milking

Full-Fat Spectrum

Essential Phospholipids

for Maximum Absorption

IgG, IgA

Fat Soluble Bioactives

Transparent Harvest

and Production



Naturally Highest Levels

Naturally Highest Levels


Skim Colostrum

Artificial Levels


Whole Colostrum

Average Levels

Average Levels


You Can See




Skim Colostrum


Whole Colostrum

1st Milking

Full-Fat Spectrum

Essential Phospholipids

for Maximum Absorption

IgG, IgA

Naturally Highest Levels

Artificial Levels

Average Levels

Fat Soluble Bioactives

Naturally Highest Levels

Average Levels

Transparent Harvest

and Production

Transparent Harvest and Production

Most Supplement Brands have no idea where their ingredients come from or how theyโ€™re made. At Favor we own the manufacturing, quality and the supply chain. Which allows us to be fully transparent on where our Colostrum comes from, how itโ€™s harvested, made, and packaged.

1st Milking Difference

Excess Colostrum taken from the 1st Milking contains the highest Natural IgG levels of all colostrums, is the richest in antibodies, growth factors, and nutrients, providing optimal immune support and digestive health right from the start. All Colostrum is not created equal. Most use a blend of Colostrum from 2nd and 3rd milking (lower quality), which is much less expensive than first milking. At Favor we provide the highest value because thatโ€™s what we want for our families.

We love Cows

Ethically Harvested/ Baby Cow Promise

Cows produce more Colostrum than their calves need. Before Favor Colostrum, Farms would simply dump out the extra. We only harvest the excess Colostrum at Favor and ensure our economic model helps farmers by creating less waste, happy cows, and happy humans.

Donโ€™t Strip The Fat

Why doesnโ€™t Favor have a high IgG score like xyz other brands?

Because at Favor we donโ€™t Artificially remove healthy Fats just to boost the IgG %. Favorโ€™s Full-Fat Spectrumโ„ข Colostrum includes all the Fat Soluble Bioactives that God intended this miracle ingredient to have.ย The Fat enhances the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients, supports the development and health of the nervous system, and contributes to a more balanced immune response.

Favor 1st Milking Full-Fat Spectrum Colostrum is the Gold Standard

Why Full Fat Colostrums are Superior to Skim Colostrums with Artificially High IgG?

Essential Phospholipids

Favor Colostrum features our Essential Phospholipids from Non-GMO Sunflowers to help our colostrum amplify the absorption of bioactive nutrients, maximizing the health benefits consumers receive. Additionally, its phospholipid content supports brain and cardiovascular health, aids in liver function, and offers anti-inflammatory properties, making the Colostrum even more Bioavailable.

Bioactive Breakdown



IgA is a specific type of antibody prevalent in mucosal areas like the digestive system, respiratory tract, and saliva. In Colostrum, IgA plays a critical role by forming a protective barrier that guards against pathogens, thereby enhancing the immune system's effectiveness at the body's entry points. This contributes significantly to the overall immune defense by preventing the attachment and penetration of harmful microbes.



Immunoglobulins, also known as antibodies, are glycoprotein molecules produced primarily by plasma cells. In colostrum, they are essential for conferring passive immunity to infants, offering immediate defense against microbial infections. The primary immunoglobulins found in colostrum include IgA, IgG, and IgM, each playing a unique role in immune response by identifying and neutralizing pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi.



IgG is the most abundant type of antibody found in human circulation and colostrum. In Colostrum, IgG is crucial for providing passive immunity to the newborn by neutralizing pathogens and facilitating their removal from the body. This helps in protecting against infections and is instrumental in maintaining the health and well-being of the immune system.



Lactoferrin is a multifunctional protein of the transferrin family found in high concentrations in colostrum. It plays a crucial role in the immune response by binding and sequestering iron, which many bacteria require for growth, thus inhibiting their proliferation. Additionally, lactoferrin has anti-inflammatory properties and can enhance the body's immune response by promoting the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria and modulating immune cell functions.



Oligosaccharides in colostrum are complex carbohydrates that serve prebiotic functions, promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy intestinal environment. These compounds also enhance the body's immune response by preventing the adhesion of harmful pathogens to the gut lining, thereby supporting overall gut health and immune defense mechanisms.

Sialic Acid

Sialic Acid

Sialic acid is a vital component found in colostrum, playing a significant role in the development of the infant's brain and cognitive functions. It also enhances immunity by preventing pathogens from adhering to mucosal surfaces, acting as a decoy receptor. This ability to bind pathogens helps to protect against infections and supports the immune system's overall function, promoting health in early life stages.

Growth Factors

Growth Factors

Growth factors in colostrum, such as Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) and Transforming Growth Factor (TGF), are critical for early development. They stimulate the growth and repair of muscle, skin, bone, and intestinal tissue. These factors also support the maturation of the gut lining and immune system in infants, enhancing overall health and resilience against diseases by promoting cellular growth and differentiation.

Proline-Rich Peptides (PRPs)

Proline-Rich Peptides (PRP)

Proline-rich peptides (PRPs) in colostrum are small molecules that have a significant impact on the immune system. They play a key role in modulating the immune response, either enhancing it when needed to fight infections or suppressing it to prevent overactivity, such as in autoimmune diseases. PRPs also aid in cognitive health by promoting the growth of neuronal cells and may have antioxidant properties that contribute to reducing oxidative stress in the body.

Essential Phospholipids

Essential Phospholipids

Phospholipids in colostrum are crucial for their role in forming cell membranes and facilitating the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients. They contribute to the structural integrity of cells and are involved in signaling pathways that regulate cellular functions. Additionally, phospholipids in colostrum support brain health and cognitive functions, as they are essential components of the myelin sheath that insulates nerve cells, promoting efficient nerve impulse transmission.